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***IMPORTANT! This documentation includes important concepts which if you don't read, will quickly lead you to frustration and confusion.

CodeVideo Essentials


Everything in the CodeVideo framework is based on actions. In Typescript, an action is defined as the following:

export interface Action {
name: AllActions;
value: string;

(See the latest definition on the CodeVideo types repository.)

AllActions is a union of all possible action names:

export type AllActions =
| AuthorActions
| FileExplorerActions
| EditorActions
| MouseActions
| TerminalActions
| AuthorActions
| ExternalActions;

Action names are hyphenated names relating to what the action does. For example, all editor-related actions are prefixed with editor-, all file explorer actions are prefixed with file-explorer-, and so on. (A quick check of all possible actions can be found in the dropdown on the action editor on the CodeVideo Studio homepage.)

Actions as JSON

A JSON example of a few speaking actions, creating and opening a file, and typing into the editor looks like this:

"name": "author-speak-before",
"value": "Let's learn how to use the print function in Python!"
"name": "author-speak-before",
"value": "First, let's make a Python file."
"name": "file-explorer-create-file",
"value": ""
"name": "file-explorer-open-file",
"value": ""
"name": "author-speak-before",
"value": "and let's print 'Hello world!' to the console."
"name": "editor-type",
"value": "print('Hello, world!')"

(You can go paste this into the JSON editor in the CodeVideo Studio to see what it looks like.)

In summary: a list of actions and their corresponding JSON represents the most portable format in the CodeVideo framework. This also happens to be the format that is sent to the CodeVideo API to generate videos.