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Video Quick Start

We highly recommend you quickly read concepts in the overview section before starting here.

This guide shows you how to get started generating videos with the CodeVideo CLI.


Install the CLI package:

npm install @fullstackcraftllc/codevideo-cli

Pass valid actions via -a and specify an output file with -o:

codevideo -a '[{"name":"author-speak-before","value":"Let's learn how to use the print function in Python!"},{"name":"author-speak-before","value":"First, let's make a Python file."},{"name":"file-explorer-create-file","value":""}]' -o 'codevideo.mp4'

(To see the full list of options for our CLI tool, please visit [https://codevideo].)

While your video is being generated, you should see the progress in the terminal:

/> CodeVideo generation in progress...
[======= ] 33%

Wait while your video is generated.

Upon completion, you should see the following message:

/> CodeVideo generation in progress...
[================================] 100%
✅ CodeVideo saved to codevideo.mp4

You'll find the codevideo.mp4 file in the root of the CodeVideo CLI repository.
